About Arabic Coffee, myth or fact:
1) Is there really any difference between Arabic Coffee and Coffee that's typically available in the UK (Europe or the West)?
Yes there is; fact.
Arabic Coffee is more often than not flavoured with Cardamom and other spices, but this is not the only differentiator.
In addition, some coffees from the Middle East are made of a combination of differently roasted beans - for example, one coffee blend may feature beans that are dark roasted combined with medium roasted or even light roasted. Conversely some blends are made with just one type of roasted beans which is then blended with a spice. Are example of this in our product range is the Riyadh Blend of Coffee - light/golden roasted with Cardamom - it's very unique and largely unknown in the UK.
But the main interchangeable variables, that are quite unique to Arabic Coffee, are flavourings/spices, roasts of beans and the ratio to which these ingredients are featured in the blend (this is typically indicated by the Country or even City in which the blend originates from).
2) I understand you can only make Arabic Coffee on a stove, the traditional way Arabic people do?
This is a myth.
The traditional way Arabic Coffee is made is by using a Dallah (which is essentially a small saucepan) but this is not the only way to make the drink. All our Coffees are suitable for use with a Cafetière, and we would say this method is equally as good as using a Dallah, when you follow our instructions.
Check out these instructions if you'd like to know how to make one of our Coffees with either a Dallah or a Cafetière.
3) Arabic Coffee is very strong - much, much, much stronger than Coffee typical to the UK?
This is a part myth and part fact.
As mentioned in our answer to Q1 there is a huge amount of variety in Arabic Coffee, meaning that some of these varieties are strong, while at the opposite end of the scale some are incredibly refined and delicate.
Looking at our own range:
At the strong end we have the Damascus Blend of Coffee. This is a dark roast Coffee made of only one bean variety with no additional flavouring. In Syria (Damascus to be exact), there is a terrific cafè culture where people live their lives very frantically, on the go. Resultantly, the blend of Coffee that's become popular (to suit the lifestyle) is a Coffee that gives an intense, caffeine loaded hit to the drinker.
At the more gentle end of the scale, we have the Riyadh Blend of Coffee. This is a very unique and refined coffee, only made from golden roasted beans combined with Cardamom (some Saudi's also added Saffron for extra luxury). It gives off a light, part zesty, part biscuit-like aroma, and, when brewed, to most Westerners its complexion more closely resembles Tea than a Coffee! Be warned it's highly drinkable!
In between the two mentioned above, two Coffee varieties that are more in the middle in terms of taste would be Ramallah (medium-light) and Amman (medium-strong).
4) Why buy Coffee from a UK producer of Arabic Coffee, surely it's better to buy this Coffee from a supplier in the Middle East?
Coffee, whether Arabic, African, Europe etc, does not travel well. It is a highly, highly absorbent to moisture and odours that are carried in the air. And if not packaged correctly or stored in a cool, dry place can begin to lose freshness and take on other flavours.
When we developed our Arabic Coffee Blends, we conducted stringent taste tests that compared newly imported Arabic Coffee to our own freshly roasted and ground blends. There was a clear winner - ours.
The fact is that the shorter the time between the coffee being roasted, ground and blended to the moment it's drank the better the taste. With this in mind, our aim is to supply our customers within 48 hours of them placing their order.
In addition, regardless of whether you order 250g or 250kg, we package all orders in increments of 250g bags - so, for example, an order of 750g will be divided into three separate 250g bags. This is to ensure lasting freshness for our customers who may wish to consume their order over a period of time. And, just to be clear, all packaging we use is sealed airtight to ensure lasting freshness.
FEEDBACK: Got a question about Arabic Coffee or Us (Arabian Coffees)? Get in touch, we'd love to answer it!
Our Coffee Blends:
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